Components are not consumed
A tube, no matter how good, will gradually deteriorate due to changes in cathode atoms and chronic leakage. For technical reasons, the same problem existed at the beginning of transistor fabrication. With the progress of material production and various improvements, the life of transistors is generally 100 to 1000 times longer than that of electronic tubes, which is worthy of the reputation of permanent devices.
Very little power consumption
Only one tenth or several tenths of the tube. It does not require heating of the filament to generate free electrons like a vacuum tube. A transistor radio can be listened to for half a year with only a few dry batteries, which is difficult for a tube radio.
No preheating required
Works as soon as it is turned on. For example, a transistor radio will beep as soon as it is turned on, and a transistor TV will appear quickly as soon as it is turned on. Tube devices can't do that. After turning it on, it took a while to hear the sound and see the picture. Obviously, in military, measurement, recording, etc., transistors are very advantageous.
Strong and reliable
It is 100 times more reliable than the electronic tube, resistant to shock and vibration, which is unmatched by the electronic tube. In addition, the volume of the transistor is only one-tenth to one-hundredth of the electron tube, and it emits very little heat, which can be used to design small, complex and reliable circuits. Although the manufacturing process of transistors is precise, the process is simple, which is conducive to improving the mounting density of components.