TLE9842QX 2500 Electronic Components belongs to Relay Driver IC with Integrated Arm® Cortex® M0 of Infineon.It can be used for the most cost-effective solution for motor control using relays.
MOTIX™ TLE9842QX is a part of the TLE984x product family. Kinglionski is TLE9842QX 2500 Electronic Components suppliers in China who can wholesale TLE9842QX 2500.The TLE984x product family integrates an Arm® Cortex® M0 microcontroller core along with relay drivers, high side switches, LIN transceiver and a power supply system that enables the device to operate at the vehicle battery level. The TLE984x family offers scalability in terms of Flash memory sizes ranging from 36kB to 64kB with pin-compatible devices.
The TLE984x family was specifically designed to fit to a wide range of LIN-slave applications where a small package form factor and a minimum number of external components are essential.
The TLE984x product family is offered in a leadless VQFN-48 package to save board space.platform for a broad range of applications including microcontrollers, automotive body systems and industrial control systems