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AM26C31IDBR Electronic Components
  • AM26C31IDBR Electronic ComponentsAM26C31IDBR Electronic Components

AM26C31IDBR Electronic Components

Kinglionski is the agent and distributor of Texas Instruments model AM26C31IDBR Electronic Components, focusing on the foreign trade of electronic components for 12 years. It only makes new and original packaging, with reasonable price and high quality, and serves most of the European and American markets. AM26C31IDBR AM26C31IDBR belongs to Quadruple differential line driver of Texas Instruments. The AM26C31IDBR is a quadruple differential line driver with complementary outputs. The device is designed to meet the requirements of TIA/EIA-422-B and ITU (formerly CCITT), and it is generally used to communicate over relatively long wires in noisy environments.

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Product Description

The AAM26C31IDBR Electronic Components is a differential line driver with complementary outputs, designed to meet the requirements of TIA/EIA-422-B and ITU (formerly CCITT). The 3-state outputs have high-current capability for driving balanced lines, such as twistedpair or parallel-wire transmission lines, and they provide the high-impedance state in the power-off condition.

Product Features


Main product features


Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of TIA/EIA422-B and ITU Recommendation V.11

Operates From a Single 5-V Supply

High Output Impedance in Power-Off Conditions

Available in Q-Temp Automotive


Product Applications

Chemical and Gas Sensors

Field Transmitters: Temperature Sensors and Pressure Sensors

Military: Radars and Sonars

Motor Control: Brushless DC and Brushed DC

Military and Avionics Imaging

Temperature Sensors and Controllers Using Modbus

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