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SN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic Components
  • SN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic ComponentsSN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic Components

SN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic Components

Kinglionski is the agent and distributor of Texas Instruments model SN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic Components, focusing on the foreign trade of electronic components for 12 years. It only makes new and original packaging, with reasonable price and high quality, and serves most of the European and American markets.

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Product Description

This SN74LV4051AQPWRQ1 Electronic Components device is an 8-channel analog multiplexer. A multiplexer is used when several signals must share the same device or resource. This device allows the selection of one of these signals at a time, for analysis or propagation.

This 8-channel CMOS analog multiplexer and demultiplexer is designed for 2-V to 5.5-V VCC operation.The SN74LV4051A handles analog and digital signals. Each channel permits signals with amplitudes up to 5.5 V (peak) to be transmitted in either direction.

Product Features


Main product features


Qualified for Automotive Applications

2-V to 5.5-V VCC Operation

Supports Mixed-Mode Voltage Operation on All multiplexing for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog Ports

High On-Off Output-Voltage Ratio


Automotive Infotainment and Cluster

Telematics, eCall


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