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TPD5S115YFFR Texas Instrument Electronic Components
  • TPD5S115YFFR Texas Instrument Electronic ComponentsTPD5S115YFFR Texas Instrument Electronic Components

TPD5S115YFFR Texas Instrument Electronic Components

Kinglionski is a professional leader China TPD5S115YFFR Texas Instrument Electronic Components manufacturer with high quality and reasonable price. Kinglionski is the agent and distributor of Texas Instruments model TPD5S115YFFR , focusing on the foreign trade of electronic components for 12 years. It only makes new and original packaging, with reasonable price and high quality, and serves most of the European and American markets.

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Product Description
China TPD5S115YFFR Texas Instrument Electronic Components In Stock. TPD5S115YFFR belongs to of Texas Instruments(TI).The TPD5S115 is an integrated interface solution that covers HDMI versions' 2.0, 1.4, and 1.3 need for power supply voltage management and control line level translation. On the power supply line, it has a DC-DC converter that takes the internal power supply from 2.3 V to 5.5 V, and outputs a regulated and current-limited, 5 V voltage to the connector. The drivers support level translation on HPD, ECE, SCL, and SDA lines in both transmission directions. Moreover, the rise-time acceleration feature helps drive the high capacitive load on the cable side. Every channel comes with robust ESD protection with ±14-kV contact and ±16-kV air-gap IEC61000 4-2 capability. 

The TPD5S115 device is an integrated HDMI companion chip solution. The device provides a regulated 5-V output (5VOUT) for sourcing the HDMI power line. The regulated 5-V output supplies up to 55 mA to the HDMI receiver with a current limiting function. The TPD5S115 features two control signals: EN and LS_OE.  

There are three noninverting, bidirectional, voltage level translation circuits for the SDA, SCL, and CEC lines. Each have a common power rail (VCCA) on the A side from 1.1 V to 3.6 V.  The TPD5S115 exceeds the IEC61000-4-2 (Level 4) ESD protection level. This device features a space saving, 1.72-mm × 1.72-mm, YFF package with 0.4-mm pitch. 

Product Features


Main product features


Conforms to HDMI Compliance Tests Without Any

External Components

Supports HDMI 2.0, HDMI 1.4, and HDMI 1.3


Matches HDMI Connector Pin Mapping

IEC 61000-4-2 (Level 4) System Level ESD


Product Application

Conforms to HDMI Compliance Tests Without Any 
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